WATCH MANREET’S STORY HERE: https://fb.watch/bKvETl2Fm3/

Energetic five year old Manreet loves playing at Kesmond Reserve with her Mum Randeep. They're among the local families to benefit from a $2 million upgrade to this wonderful community space.

At the last election I pledged to upgrade Kesmond Reserve - and I'm delighted it's now finally happening! I lobbied the Premier Steven Marshall for this upgrade in 2018 but he refused. I’m glad someone in the Department now sees the merit of the plan.

The upgrade includes a fitness loop, multi-sport courts, nature play area, new community building, shelters, cricket and soccer nets and landscaping.

You can see the draft design here: https://yoursay.westtorrens.sa.gov.au/kesmond-reserve-master-plan

RADIO INTERVIEW: Impact of Mike Turtur Bikeway Overpass at Forestville

What people have been raising with me are a number of different concerns. On one hand I’ve got people saying this project has taken ages, it’s been years and years, it was initially a project of the former Labor Government, so it’s been dragging on and they want to see it happy, and we do need upgraded cycling infrastructure and I’m supportive of that; but other people in Forestville, and I’m a Forestville resident myself – I live right near where this thing’s being built

MEDIA RELEASE: Massive cuts to Badcoe public transport in January

A lack of notification and sudden cuts to public transport services left many commuters returning to work stranded this morning waiting for services to arrive.

This morning, passengers waiting for bus and trams services learnt that there had been a sudden change to services for the entire month of January with little notification.

This yet again highlights just how unprepared the Marshall Liberal Government was for the reopening of borders and letting COVID into South Australia.