It’s the last day for public submissions to an inquiry examining how pharmacists could safely and promptly provide medication for painful urinary tract infections (UTIs).
RADIO INTERVIEW: FiveAA: Morphettville Racecourse development and traffic
“Park Terrace, which is in Plympton Park, it looks like it’s going to be a main thoroughfare, and at the moment it’s just a little residential street with residents who’ve lived in the area for decades, and they’re really concerned about the volume of traffic that’s going to be coming through their community.”
MEDIA RELEASE: Richmond Primary launches world first Autism Inclusion Teacher program
MEDIA RELEASE: Security beefed up after action by local MP
The State Government is significantly upgrading security in streets where properties have been recently vacated or demolition works have begun.
The new measures have been rolled out in recent days and include:
• installing extra CCTV security cameras on vacant properties in Glandore
• providing a dedicated, seven-nights-a-week Wilson Security patrol for the T2D
Project site in Glandore, as well as additional daytime patrols; and
• establishing a 24/7 hotline number – 8402 1840 – direct to Wilson Security.
MEDIA RELEASE: Vote of Confidence in revised Torrens to Darlington design
An extensive public engagement program is underway, giving South Australians opportunities to provide valuable feedback on the revamped River Torrens to Darlington Project.
Feedback on the redesigned project, unveiled last month, has been overwhelmingly positive thus far, with a vast 71 per cent of respondents declaring themselves positive or very positive about the new plans – and more than half saying they felt more positive as a result of changes to the previous design released by the former government.
MEDIA RELEASE: True cost of Liberals' flawed Torrens to Darlington plan north of $15 billion
MEDIA RELEASE: Inquiry launched into timely treatment for women's painful problem
MEDIA RELEASE: Parliamentary Inquiry into the Urban Forest
SPEECH: Establishment of a Select Committee into Access to Urinary Tract Infection Treatment
I am seeking the support of this House to establish a Select Committee into Access to Urinary Tract Infection Treatment for the hundreds of thousands of South Australian women who endure the excruciating and sudden pain of an uncomplicated urinary tract infection – better known to sufferers as a UTI.