Child Protection Minister Rachel Sanderson has failed to achieve her own target of recruiting 50 new foster carers above attrition to care for children currently in residential care.
Under questioning in Parliament on 28 November last year, the Minister declared:
Sanderson: I do have a goal of increasing foster carers by 50 per year, which, if you did not have any extra children coming in, would see a reduction of 50 across residential care and commercial care, so it is just dependent on how many are coming in at the same time.
Stinson: With that goal of 50 new foster carers, is that above attrition?
Sanderson: I would hope so. That is the plan, yes.
Figures from the Department of Child Protection show that only 30 new foster carers have been recruited this year above attrition – far short of the Minister’s promise.
In the 2017-18 financial year, under Labor, there were 92 additional carers above attrition who were available to take children into their homes.
There’s been a huge drop in the number of new carers recruited above attrition within just a year. Fewer carers entered the system and more left.
The Minister’s also been caught out claiming on social media that she has met her promise – but relied on the number of carers registered – but not actually available.
Many carers are registered but unable to care for a child due to being under investigation, moving overseas or other reasons.
Quotes attributable to Shadow Minister for Child Protection Jayne Stinson
It’s always heart warming to see new people become foster carers. They deserve our deep thanks and admiration for doing a difficult and selfless task.
It’s disappointing the Minister has missed her own target to recruit fifty new foster carers above attrition who are able to care for children in need.
The Minister promised to recruit extra foster carers to reduce the number of children in residential and commercial care. Sadly, there are now 517 children in residential and commercial care – that’s more than last year.
It doesn’t help anyone for the Minister to claim victories she simply hasn’t achieved or for her to spin fluffed up figures. It’s disingenuous and misleading.
Once again the Minister has been found to be overwhelmed and out of her depth.